Kategori: <span>News</span>

Againity is hiring

(This post is in Swedish) Vill du jobba med det senaste inom grön elproduktion? Againity söker en erfaren konstruktör. Againity Againity är ett snabbväxande bolag som utvecklar innovativa system för förnybar elproduktion både i Sverige och globalt på de marknader där det som bäst behövs. Vi har tagit fram en …

Electricity from biogas

From waste water to electricity! The unutilized excess gas produced at the waste water treatment plant in Norrköping is now turned into electricity and hot water. Againity has delivered a containerized solution with a biogas boiler, accumulator tank and ORC system. The hot water generated from the system is used …

Order to waste water treatment plant

Againity has sold an ORC system together with a biogas boiler to a waste water treatment plant in Norrköping, Sweden, owned by Norrköping Vatten och Avfall AB. The containerized system will turn the biogas into electricity and hot water for internal use on the plant. http://affarsliv.com/nyheter/prestigeorder-till-norrkopingsforetaget-om4402145.aspx    

Order to heating plant

First sale after the summer! Againity’s ORC system will generate electricity in the bio fuelled heating plant in Bräkne-Hoby, Sweden, owned by Ronneby Miljöteknik Energi AB. The installation is part of  EU’s Life+ project. http://www.energikontorsydost.se/a/ny-anlaggning-for-smaskalig-kraftvarme-i-brakne-hoby-pa-gang