Solör Bioenergy has now installed their first ORC turbine and thereby upgraded the wood chip fired heating plant in Hörby to a CHP. Adding new green electricity to our European energy system.
In order to produce electricity, you have traditionally needed to turn the water into steam to run a turbine. The new electric turbine, a so-called ORC turbine, will instead use parts of the hot water from the hot water boiler and transform it into electricity for local use on the heating plant.
-This technology has been developed by the supplier Againity and makes it possible to produce electricity from parts of our hot water. We expect to be able to produce about 400 MWh in the plant, which covers about 60% of our own needs. The great thing about this type of power generation is that it provides continuous electricity production regardless of weather, ”says Flemming Rasmussen, Regional Manager at Solör Bioenergi South.
Hörby is the first to install the ORC turbine among Solör Bioenergi’s 40 farms in Sweden.
”This is an incredibly exciting project and part of Solör’s major work on energy efficiency. We continuously work to save energy in our facilities by increasing efficiency and reducing losses. Even though we use 99% biofuel in our facilities, this is also a way of working in a climate-friendly way, says Anders Pettersson, CEO Solör Bioenergi Fjärrvärme AB.
Translated from Bioenergitidningen 2018-11-07