Idex Baltic operates in Lithuania and is the largest independent heat producer in the country. Idex chose to supplement two of their heating plants in Vilnius with ORC; one of these is the Pakalniškių heating plant. The heating plant is powered by biofuel boilers that use materials such as wood chips and forest residues as fuel. To be able to produce its own electricity and simultaneously work towards a more climate-smart society, Idex chose to supplement the heating plant with ORC systems.
Our solution:
Againity delivered two automated ORC systems with a total maximum capacity of 800 kW electricity production, to the Paneriškių heating plant. The ORC systems enable electricity production from the hot water of the bio-boilers. In total, for the Pakalniškių heating plant, the system is expected to produce 2870 MWh annually, which corresponds to 2591 tonnes of CO2 equivalents when substituting coal-based electricity.
Owner: Idex Baltic UAB
Location: Pakalniškių
Existing heat plant: Biofuel boiler
Heat generation: 106 GWh/year
Temperature boiler circuit: 128°C
Return temperature district heating: 54°C
Againity’s delivery: 2 x ORC AT500
Expected electricity generation: 2870 MWh/year