Ragn-Sells goes circular with Againity’s ORC-turbin

Ragn-Sells goes circular with Againity’s ORC-turbin

The waste management company Ragn-Sells is choosing to invest in new, future-proof technology from Againity AB in order to maximize electricity production. The new technology will increase the existing electrical efficiency of the existing plant.

”For us, it is about finding continuous improvements that lead us towards a more sustainable society. With this investment, we utilize the resources that already exist, stop flaring and contribute to a reduced climate impact”, says Erik Gustafsson, plant manager at Ragn-Sells Häradsudden.

The current electricity production at Ragn-Sells Häradsudden is largely driven by self-produced electricity from landfill gas and the surplus is sold to the electricity grid. Today only two out of three gas turbines are in operation and these two gas turbines are becoming worn and losing electrical efficiency.

Ragn-Sells has evaluated several different options and has now decided on a unique technical solution from the company Againity AB. The decision fell on a so-called combi installation (gas turbine and ORC turbine). With the new ORC turbine, the total electrical efficiency of the plant will increase, which means that electricity production, regardless of fluctuations in gas quantity and availability of the gas turbines, is maximized.

”In the past, considerably larger plants were required to obtain profitability in a combi-installation, making this cooperation with Ragn-Sells Häradsudden even more interesting. We will integrate existing turbines into the system in order to get as much power as possible from the gas that is taken out of the landfill, says Elin Ledskog, sales manager at Againity AB.

Read the full article (in Swedish) here: https://www.ragnsells.se/om-ragn-sells/pressrum/

Häradsudden landfill, Norrköping, Sweden