The heating plant in Bräkne-Hoby is owned by Ronneby Miljö & Teknik AB and is a municipal company located in Ronneby. The plant consists of a 5 MW hot water boiler that is fired with wood chips. To be at the forefront of development for small-scale cogeneration and cut energy costs at the plant, Ronneby Miljö & Teknik AB chose to invest in an ORC turbine from Againity.
Our solution:
Againity delivered an automated ORC system with a maximum capacity of 49.9 kW electricity production. The ORC system enables electricity production from the boiler’s hot water. In total, the system is expected to be able to produce 300 MWh of electricity annually, corresponding to annual emission savings of 270 CO2 equivalents substituting coal-based electricity. Ronneby Miljö & Teknik has chosen to sign a service agreement with Againity to ensure a long service life and minimal maintenance.
Owner: Ronneby Miljöteknik
Location: Bräkne-Hoby, Sweden
Existing heat plant: 5 MW hot water boiler
Fuel: Wood chips
Heat generation: 15 GWh/year
Temperature boiler circuit: 108 ˚C
Return temperature district heating: 53˚C
Againity’s delivery: ORC AT50
Max capacity: 49.9 kW
Expected electricity generation: 300 MWh/year