Many industrial processes generates excess heat that in many cases is wasted through the chimney. Manufacturing of cement, brick, glass, chemicals, tea, beer and soft drinks are examples of processes that result in large amounts of waste heat containing plenty of energy.
With Againity’s ORC system, the heat is converted into electrical energy while you lower your electricity bill, bringing benefits to your wallet as well as the environment.
Produce your own green electricity! By incinerating wood chips, municipal waste, biogas or other types of biomass in a boiler and connect it to Againity’s ORC system you can become your own electricity producer. The hot water from the ORC system can be used for district heating/cooling networks or for local heat demands in industries, hospitals or hotels. See ”References” for examples of Againity’s completed ORC installations.
If you have an exisiting heating plant with a hot water or steam boiler we can upgrade your plant to a combined heat and power plant. With your own electricity production you reduce your energy bills and contribute to a greener and more weather-independent energy system.
We also offer biogas boilers together with ORC turbines for installation at landfills or waste water treatment plants.
Againity utilizes low-grade heat and converts it into electricity through a so-called ORC system (Organic Rankine Cycle). Thanks to an in-house developed patented turbine, the system can utilize heat down to 90 degrees Celsius – and still have a short payback time for systems down to 50 kW of electricity produced.
The heat source
The heat source can be anything from incinerated waste, wood chips or biogas, to waste heat from a gas turbine, Diesel generator or other industrial processes. At Againity we happily help with the technical layout and financial calculations of potential projects.
Simple installation
The system is delivered pre-fabricated and installed by a simple pipe connection of the heat source and a cable to the power grid. The system is fully automated and a TCP/IP connection allows convenient monitoring and remote control. The turbine system consists of high-quality components, designed to last long periods without maintenance.
System sizes
Againity offers seven standard sizes from 20 to 2500 kW electricity, but since the systems are built as modules they can be easily combined and the maximum power output is thus unlimited. Learn more about our various models under ”Products”.
Contact us today for a discussion about the opportunities in your plant!
In Skåne, southern Sweden, local district heating provider Perstorps Fjärrvärme AB will upgrade its 12 MW biomass-fired heat plant to become a combined heat and power (CHP) plant. This the company will achieve by installing a 250 kW Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) unit at the heating plant.
Jointly owned by E.ON Sverige AB, a subsidiary of Germany-headed energy major E.ON AG and Perstorp’s municipality, Perstorps Fjärrvärme has chosen to invest in renewable electricity production with a so-called ORC turbine from compatriot technology provider Norrköping-based Againity AB.
In our heating plant we only burn clean biomass fuel – wood waste from the production of wood pallets and residual products from the forest. By burning a little more, we now produce our own electricity, completely green and environmentally friendly, said Charlotta Wendt, CEO of Perstorps Fjärrvärme.
The district heating plant in Perstorp.
Increase local installed capacity
With previous deliveries to Örkelljunga Fjärrvärmeverk and Solör Bioenergi, the order is the third ORC delivery for Againity to the Skåne region. It will be installed in the latter part of 2019.
With ever rising electricity prices and network transmission fees charges, the investment is timely. We will produce most of the electricity during the winter when it is the coldest and our own demand is the highest. We consume about 1 million kWh annually and our own electricity production will cover that need and a little more. The Swedish forest is a fantastic source of energy, remarked Charlotta Wendt.
The installation will help alleviate installed capacity shortage by increasing local installed capacity in the region. The regional electricity consumption in Skåne is today four times greater than the regional electricity production.
We are glad for the confidence shown and are happy to contribute to more local electricity production in Skåne. Perstorps Fjärrvärme is already contributing to a sustainable energy system through its renewable district heating deliveries and is now taking another important social responsibility step by supplementing with renewable electricity production, said Elin Ledskog, Sales Manager at Againity AB and supplier of the ORC turbine.
Rising interest amongst heat plant operators
The new 250 kW capacity ORC turbine is a low-temperature ORC and will be supplied pre-assembled. The installation at the heating plant consists of two pipelines from the boiler circuit, two pipelines from the district heating circuit and one electric cable. The woodchip-fired hot water boiler to which the turbine is connected has a capacity of 12 MW and was delivered by Jernforsen in 2014.
According to Againity, small-scale cogeneration with ORC turbine in the 20 to 2500 kW range is becoming increasingly common on Swedish heating plants. Innovative technology combined with rising electricity and power transmission network costs now makes it profitable for the majority of Sweden’s heating plants to be upgraded to CHP plants.
The waste management company Ragn-Sells is choosing to invest in new, future-proof technology from Againity AB in order to maximize electricity production. The new technology will increase the existing electrical efficiency of the existing plant.
”For us, it is about finding continuous improvements that lead us towards a more sustainable society. With this investment, we utilize the resources that already exist, stop flaring and contribute to a reduced climate impact”, says Erik Gustafsson, plant manager at Ragn-Sells Häradsudden.
The current electricity production at Ragn-Sells Häradsudden is largely driven by self-produced electricity from landfill gas and the surplus is sold to the electricity grid. Today only two out of three gas turbines are in operation and these two gas turbines are becoming worn and losing electrical efficiency.
Ragn-Sells has evaluated several different options and has now decided on a unique technical solution from the company Againity AB. The decision fell on a so-called combi installation (gas turbine and ORC turbine). With the new ORC turbine, the total electrical efficiency of the plant will increase, which means that electricity production, regardless of fluctuations in gas quantity and availability of the gas turbines, is maximized.
”In the past, considerably larger plants were required to obtain profitability in a combi-installation, making this cooperation with Ragn-Sells Häradsudden even more interesting. We will integrate existing turbines into the system in order to get as much power as possible from the gas that is taken out of the landfill, says Elin Ledskog, sales manager at Againity AB.
On May 16, the first open demonstration was held at the newly installed ORC turbine at VänerEnergi’s heating plant in Töreboda. Heating companies, consultants and suppliers learned more about small-scale electricity production and what it means to upgrade a heating plant to a CHP plant. Thank you to all participants for your engagement and exciting conversations about the potential for increased small-scale electricity production from biomass.
Were you not able to attend this time? Regular visits are arranged to Againity’s installed ORC turbines around Sweden. Contact us and we will be happy to tell you more.
Image from the delivery of the ORC turbine system.Open visit at VänerEnergi’s 50 kW ORC turbine.
Vid elproduktion med hjälp av dieselgeneratorer och gasturbiner kan så mycket som 70% av energiinnehållet omvandlas till spillvärme och försvinna ut genom avgaser eller kylsystem. Genom att istället låta spillvärmen gå genom Againitys ORC-system kan energin nyttogöras och omvandlas till värdefull elektricitet.
Även solvärme och geotermisk värme kan nyttjas som värmekälla i ORC-systemet. Genom att värma vatten/olja som sedan lagras i ackumulatortankar kan du spara energin och förse ORC-systemet med värme när behovet uppstår. Elproduktion dygnet runt – utan dyra batterier.
Många industriella processer genererar överskottsvärme som inte
sällan försvinner ut genom skorstenen. Tillverkning av pappersmassa,
aluminium, cement, tegel, glas, kemikalier, te, öl och läskedrycker är
exempel på processer som kan ge upphov till stora mängder värmeenergi.
Med Againitys ORC-system kan värmeenergin omvandlas till elektrisk
energi medan du sänker din elräkning och dina effektavgifter och
samtidigt gör en insats för ett mer hållbart energisystem.
Genom att elda flis, biogas eller avfall i en hetvattenpanna som är kopplad till Againitys ORC-system så omvandlas bränslet till el och varmvatten. Varmvattnet kan levereras upp till 80 grader och nyttjas för fjärrvärme, lokal uppvärmning av inomhusmiljöer eller industriella processer. Med en enkel installation blir du kraftvärmeproducent och bidrar till ett grönare och mer väderoberoende energisystem.
Exempel 1: Againitys ORC-system installerat vid Ronneby Miljötekniks flispanna på värmeverket i Bräkne-Hoby. Från värmeverk till kraftvärmeverk!Exempel 2: Againitys kompletta containerlösning med ORC-system och gaspanna installerat på Norrköpings avloppsreningsverk. Rötgas som tidigare facklades bort nyttiggörs nu som el och värme till rötkammare på anläggningen.